Inserting Adsense code in your Blogger-Blogspot header can be really beneficial. When a visitor comes to your site, he or she will definitely look at your header and then it's your turn to cash that first look. Just follow the steps below.
Lets Do Some Coding Work!
1- Go to
Design and then
Edit HTML tab.
Backup your current layout.3- Don't check
Expand Widget Templates.
4- Find the code given below. You can find it just after
head> tag:
<div id="header-wrapper">
<b:section class="header" id="header" maxwidgets="1" showaddelement="no">
<b:widget id="Header1" locked="false" title="Blogger FAQs(Header)" type="Header">
The above code could be a little different but you'll definitely find a similar code in your template. If you're totally confused then feel free to ask for help.
6- In the above code change
maxwidgets="1" to
maxwidgets="2". Also change
showaddelement="no" to
showaddelement="yes" and save your template.
7- Now go to the
Page Elements tab and there you'll see that you can add another widget in your header.
8- Insert your Adsense code there and make more money.
Wanna Support Beta Templates?
Beta Templates have been helping folks for a while now without asking anything in return. However, if you wanna help us then simply add our link anywhere in your blog. Instructions for adding link can be found at the bottom of this page.